Quit Smoking Naturally

One of the benefits of quitting naturally is that you are not using nicotine or nicotine-based products to help you beat your addiction to nicotine. The devious thing about nicotine is that it attacks you both physiologically and psychologically - meaning, you will be suffering both mentally and physically for a short period of time, if you persevere.

If you decide to quit smoking naturally there are an abundant amount of herbal medicines and herbal smoking cessation products to aid you in your fight against nicotine addiction.

Herbs to Quit Smoking

The herbs used in herbal smoking cessation products work in concert to help you beat your cravings. Quit smoking herbs like Lobelia reduce your physical cravings for nicotine; they help you survive the nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as depression, restlessness and anxiety; and they help you get through physical withdrawal symptoms know as the "quitters flu."

The best thing about the combination the herbs is that, by dealing with all of the side effects of quitting, they help the body begin to detoxify from the effects of smoking.

Herbs to Help Quit Smoking

An herb such as the Lobelia herb produces effects similar to nicotine on the central nervous system and acts as a relaxant. Passion Flower promotes calmness and relaxation, which will help with the irritability you may experience. Peppermint leaf has been used for centuries for its relaxation and detoxification powers. Ginger root aids in digestion and relieves the nausea that nicotine addiction sometimes produces.

Ways to Quit Smoking Naturally

If you plan to quit smoking cold turkey, it is important that you make a quit plan. This will help you plan for the worst moments in your nicotine withdrawal, as well as help you plan for a life without cigarettes. In addition, there are many ways to quit smoking that you can investigate to help you quit smoking naturally. Quitting smoking naturally may be a challenge, but if you want to quit smoking without using products that rely on nicotine, it may be your best bet.

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