How to Stop Smoking

If nicotine has been your constant companion for any amount of time, you've probably tried to give up you're addiction at least a time or two. Well, you're not alone. The majority of smokers find it challenging and even frustrating to kick the nicotine habit for good. This frustration and difficulty are only increased when smokers don't know how to set up safeguards to keep themselves from falling off the wagon. Below you'll find a few stop smoking tips that will help you make the commitment to quit and stick to it for life.

How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes

  1. Schedule a time to stop smoking cigarettes. Setting an official stopping date (no more than two weeks into the future) gives you something to look forward both mentally and physically. You may even find that you smoke fewer cigarettes as the day approaches since you are psychologically preparing to give them up completely.

  2. Dispose of everything related to tobacco. Now, this doesn't mean throwing away your TIME magazine that has picture of the Marlboro man on the back cover. It does mean, however, that you need to dispose of all matches, lighters, ash trays and any other smoking accoutrements.

  3. Clue in your family members and close friends. There's no better place to get support than from those who love you. Besides, if they know you're giving up nicotine they may be more understanding should you happen to experience any mood swings.

  4. Choose a stop smoking treatment to help you. While there are a number of prescription stop smoking drugs available, like Zyban and Chantix, herbal treatments can be utilized which are just as or even more effective. Plus, stop smoking herbs tend to be much safer than their prescription counterparts.

  5. Plan to substitute your cravings with safe alternatives. Because smokers have become accustomed to the physical act of smoking, giving up nicotine can put tremendous stress on both the mind and the body. In order to handle this stress effectively, you'll want to keep a few items handy. Mints, coffee stirrers, carrot or celery sticks, chewing gum, lollipops, and toothpicks are all great items which help you mimic the physical act of smoking. Also consider natural stress remedies.

How to Stop Smoking: Final Word

The steps outlined above can make the how to stop smoking process much more manageable both mentally and physically. Consult your physician if you're uncertain about how your stop smoking aids of choice may interact with any medications you're presently taking.

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