How to Quit Smoking Weed

Like any other substance from coffee, cigarettes, or beer; smoking weed can be a physical addiction and/or a psychological habit. Even as society moves towards incorporating weed into the mainstream (from use as a medicine to legalization), it is important to remember that it is addictive and that smoking any product is not healthy.

The reasons to quit smoking weed are numerous. Perhaps a new job requires drug testing and prohibits marijuana use, maybe a friend or family member has asked you to quit, or maybe you want to live a healthier lifestyle. The good news is that compared to many addictive substances out there, weed is relatively easy and safe to stop using. Learn how to stop smoking weed.

Weed Psychological Habit

It is important to understand that many who want to quit smoking weed have a psychological habit that they need to break. Many smokers use weed as a way to unwind at the end of the day or week, when they are hanging out with friends, or when they are stressed.

As a result, anyone who has decided to quit smoking weed needs to have a plan to break this habit. The good news is that there are a variety of tools available that will help you quit smoking weed. Even better, they are free:

  • Make it a goal. When we make a goal and we write it down, it becomes "real". Pick a date and stick with it.
  • Make a plan. Many people struggle with quitting cold turkey. Instead, they find that it is helpful to develop a plan that allows them to gradually stop smoking weed. By developing a plan, you can slowly and comfortably transition off of weed.
  • Understand when you smoke weed. This might seem obvious, but to quit smoking weed, it is important to understand why and when you use it. Maybe you only smoke socially with friends or after a really stressful day at work. By understanding these triggers you can work to avoid them, be prepared when they do occur, and you can find other ways to cope during these time periods.
  • Develop alternatives. Quit smoking weed by doing something else. If you smoke weed when you are out with friends, try substituting with a toothpick or a stick of gum.
  • Get help from family or friends. Ask family and friends to hold you accountable and help you stop smoking. Again, if you smoke when you are out with friends, ask your friends to keep you from smoking. If you smoke after a stressful day at work, ask your family to help you at home. It is also important to understand that you may be addicted to weed and that you could also experience withdrawal symptoms. While these aren't serious, you may become irritable, less patient, or even have trouble sleeping. If your family and friends understand this, they may be more patient if you experience these symptoms.
  • Don't get discouraged. Life can be difficult, so understand that after a particularly rough day at work you might break down and get off of your plan. Understand that this is perfectly normal and don't get discouraged.
  • Don't forget why you want to quit smoking weed. Maybe it's a court order, maybe it's to keep your job or get a better job, or maybe you want to live a healthier life. Regardless, don't lose sight of why you need or want to quit.

Weed Physical Addiction

While there is considerable debate regarding how addictive weed is, it is important to understand that if you have decided to quit smoking weed you might need to deal with a physical addiction.

The good news is that there are products available that will help you to quit smoking weed. Two prescription medications - Chantix and Zyban - are believed to alter the chemistry in the brain in a way that helps the smoker quit smoking weed by reducing the body's need for weed. However, it is important to remember that both Chantix and Zyban come with a black box warning. This is the strongest warning required by the FDA. Both prescription medications can cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors, hostility, and depression. Another drawback is that a doctor must prescribe these medications for you, which costs additional money and time.

An alternative method to quit smoking weed are herbal remedies. These remedies act in similar ways to prescription medications in that they help the brain and body break the "need" for weed. However, these herbal remedies don't require a prescription and they contain all natural ingredients.

So, if you're ready to quit smoking weed, we've reviewed the top solutions. Click here for more information.

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