Learn more about Smoke DeterSmoke Deter Review

Rated: 8.50 out of 10
by StopSmoking.net

Many people who smoke are aware of the potential health risks that are associated with cigarette use, but find it extremely difficult to give up their nicotine habits. With the development of herbal remedies that work naturally to suppress the urge to smoke, people are becoming increasingly successful in their ability to resist cigarettes. One of these products, Smoke Deter, is moderately effective in decreasing nicotine addiction.

Smoke Deter Reviews

Smoke Deter, a homeopathic oral spray that is applied under the tongue, received some positive reviews when tested by 168 people in a study of five products that aid in smoke cessation. Forty percent of the people who used Smoke Deter were no longer smoking after one month. The majority of reviewers stated that while their desire to smoke cigarettes was present, Smoke Deter allowed them to manage their nicotine cravings. Most people were also impressed by the quality and safety of the product.

Does Smoke Deter Work?

Smoke Deter's herbal formula works by relieving the symptoms commonly experienced by people who are in nicotine withdrawal. The product is designed to help the body fight against nausea, insomnia, food cravings, and anxiety. Those who use Smoke Deter when they stop smoking cigarettes will have a decreased risk of relapsing back into their previous smoking habits. Smoke Deter does not produce any negative side effects such as drowsiness.

Smoke Deter Ingredients

The inactive ingredients of Smoke Deter are purified water and organic alcohol. The active ingredients are a formula of non-toxic herbs that naturally alleviate the physical and psychological issues that often affect people who have recently quit smoking cigarettes. Some of these homeopathic ingredients are: avena, which soothes frazzled nerves; aconitum napellus, a plant extract that eases restlessness and coughing; tabacum, which prevents nausea and tobacco cravings; and abies nigra, which relieves hunger pains, headaches, and stomach cramps.

Smoke Deter can be used three times a day, and is sprayed under the tongue twice with each usage. In addition to the spray, a Smoke Deter dietary supplement is available in pill form. This supplement is taken once a day and is made from a blend of herbal ingredients that include lobelia extract, licorice root extract, and coral calcium.

Free Smoke Deter

Those who buy Smoke Deter have the option of purchasing a one, two, four, or six-month supply. A four-month supply of the Smoke Deter System includes one month's worth of free product, and a six-month supply includes two month's worth of free product. These two options provide a great value to customers. Smoke Deter can also be returned in exchange for a refund within 90 days of purchase.

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