Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler Review
Rated: 5.5 out of 10
When it comes right down to it, everyone knows that smoking tobacco products, especially cigarettes are not a good thing. Certainly, every adult on the planet has heard about the dangers and the educational campaign against it is now so pervasive that even young children have heard about it to a degree that no one thought possible just a few decades ago. However, all of these attempts to get people to turn away from smoking have not caused the problem to go away. In fact, even though the overall number of smokers has fallen in many developed countries, all indications are that this number is on the rise in many other regions including some sharp rises in many parts of Asia. This is mainly due to a shift on the part of tobacco companies shifting their advertising dollars to these areas as more western nations keep putting more and more restrictions on the industry and their marketing of their product lines.
In essence, the real issue is not the smoking itself but the fact that these products have been known for many decades to be made with ingredients which are highly addictive. Furthermore, smokers are increasingly finding themselves pushed out of the mainstream and even their social circles as they find their habit shunned in so many different ways including heavy restrictions on where smoking is even allowed in public areas. For instance, just a few short years ago smokers were allowed by law to smoke in restaurants and bars but that is quickly becoming a thing of the past in nearly all of the most progressive regions of the world. So, the question for many smokers is how can they quit this addiction and get back to being a part of the new and smoke free civilization that now the order of this new and more modern society?
Well, the fact is that there are a number of new methods which have gained some acclaim over the last several years and many of those have proven to be effective. Still, some of them work by simply replacing the addictive elements of cigarettes, namely nicotine, with more of the same but just delivered via another method such as with gums or dermal patches. And, it turns out these products, when not used properly, can actually be dangerous if overused. Yet, there are others which use a varying set of ingredients and methods mostly comprised of all-natural ingredients with no addictive qualities which can help to suppress the addictive cravings and help to wean smokers off of the addictive substances and help them return to the more healthy lifestyle they knew before ever taking up the habit.
Unfortunately, there is one major problem which has come about with the rise of popularity with all of these types of products and that is that the industry that produces them has now become deluged with literally hundreds of different products as pretty much any entity with the capacity to make a product and bring it to market has done so in an effort to get in on what has now turned into a multi-billion dollar per year enterprise.
It is for this reason that we, as a part of our continuing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will most likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about smoking cessation products on the market today - it's called the Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler.
About Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler

A product of Japan, this relatively new offering uses the basic aromatherapy methodology. Its central claim is that smokers can replace cigarettes with an inhaler that uses a set of all-natural ingredients which are combined to enter into the user's lungs and saturate the clusters of nerves which are responsible for signaling the cravings within the body for nicotine. Over time, it is also said that with the continued use of this inhaler users will experience a decrease in nicotine levels in their systems which will reach far beyond their lungs and into other critical organs including the kidneys, the liver and the colon.
Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler Ingredients
A quick review of the set of ingredients used in the creation of this product shows that they are among a wide array of all-natural substances and plant extracts including Oil of Peppermint, Oil of Eucalyptus (Globulus Labill) and Menthol.
Research, Studies And Testing
There is no doubt that have a solid understanding of which ingredients are used in any product, especially one that is for internal use, is of great benefit as it allows users to know if it contains the elements that they most desire and also in order to avoid elements which could be of concern such as those that may cause allergic reactions. Still, there is another set of details which can only be derived from research, studies and clinical trials assuming the product has been the subject of these methods. And, it should be pointed out that not all products of this nature have been studied and tested this way as the regulations governing this type of research vary widely across the globe.
Utilizing a search of all of the available data from both the producer and several outside sources within the industry we were not able to establish any credible or verifiable data which offered any evidence that Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler was ever the subject in any testing of this kind.
Independent User Reviews
Ever since the creation and widespread use of the internet began consumers have had a powerful tool that previous generations did not. In essence, they have been able to overcome the monopoly of information that producers and their advertising firms had in the days before people who did not know each could communicate with each other widely and freely with the use of user reviews of products and services. This meant that companies had to wrestle back the narrative and have done so creating websites in which they have control over what is said about their offerings. For this reason we all seek out more independent sources of user comments.
Searching multiple industry connected websites with no known affiliation to Braintox or its maker as well as wide array of online chat rooms and forums known to talk about smoking cessation products we came upon numerous independent user reviews for this product. A simple tally of the overall user ratings showed that a large majority of these users did not feel that their experience with Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler provided them with any lasting or significant benefits.
How Safe Is Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler?
A look back at the list of ingredients used in this product shows that they are unlikely to cause any serious health risks as they are all-natural in composition and are widely used in many products. Still, it is always advisable to seek out a consultation with a physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning regular use of this or any product of a similar nature.
How To Buy Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler
With the producer not having set up an official product website for Braintox consumers will have to look to a long line of well-established and lesser known online retail platforms. At this time the average retail cost of a single Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler is $10.99.
Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler Conclusion
If you are someone seeking help quitting smoking then the first thing that you have to decide is whether you want a nicotine replacement product or one that will help you quit smoking without injecting your body with more addictive substances. For those who want an all-natural solution there are many options and our goal here was to find out if Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler was among the best. To determine this we looked at three key factors.
The first was to examine the ingredients and what we found was that they stack up well against its top competition. The second was to look at any evidence that the actual formulation was ever the subject of any serious research, studies or testing and, here, we could not find any credible or verifiable research or clinical trials that would support the product's many claims. Finally, we looked at what independent user reviews had to say about their experiences and the overall ratings that we found were quite negative even for those who used it for a lengthy period.
Taking everything into account, there is no doubt that Braintox Aromatherapy Inhaler is not among the best available options on the market today for those seeking help with quitting smoking.
For more information on high quality, top rated smoking cessation products available on the market today click here.
Top-recommended nicotine-free aids to help you kick the habit for good.